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What is everyone’s favorite thermometer? We currently have a Braun ear one and it doesn’t ever seem consistent or very accurate( maybe user error?) on our toddler or adults alike. No way he will allow us to take rectally anymore so wanting ideas on everyones preferred/ most accurate way ,plus favorite thermometer. Thank you, in the trenches of night two of the stomach flu
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I don't really have a favorite or purchase any really fancy ones, just the usual smaller ones you get from a pharmacy that can be used under the tongue, under the arm or rectally. I usually go for under the arm with the littles.
hope you get some better answers and that your little one feels better soon!
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I just use a forehead thermometer I got at the grocery store. It probably isn’t super accurate but accurate enough for me to tell if 1) the fever is there and 2) if the fever came down at all after medication
Typically you just treat symptoms anyway so knowing the precise temp isn’t super necessary.
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Which Braun one do you have? We use a Braun one too.
My toddler is iffy about rectal ones, and there's no chance he would let me do a mouth one. I don't trust the forehead ones.
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Hope you all feel better soon! We use a body scanner. I wouldn’t say it’s perfect but it will show whether or not there’s a fever. I also mostly go with forehead and neck touch to check throughout the day and never done a rectal reading
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We use a generic forehead thermometer from the pharmacy. It’s not super accurate, but it gets the jobs done. None of these thermometers are really accurate until they are actually able to keep them under their tongues anyway. Good luck momma!
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Late reply, but I use the old school thermometer under the arm! Works well for me and like another said, even if the temp isn't perfectly accurate, let's me know if it has gone down or up.
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