Sutter Health Candidate Login (2025)

1. Sutter Health Careers

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  • SUTTER HEALTH · For Sutter Employees Candidate Login. Search and Apply. Search Careers. Keyword Search. Location. Radius. Radius, 5 miles, 15 miles, 25 ...

  • Search for available job openings at Sutter Health

3. For Sutter Employees - Sutter Health

  • Employee Leave of Absence... · Employee Assistance Program · MCE

  • For Sutter Health Employees: Find easy access to applications and information regarding your employment and benefits within our organization.

4. 2024 Sutter health careers login

5. 2024 Sutter health careers login

  • Search for available job openings at Sutter Health Sutter Health 0 Saved Jobs Sutter Employees Candidate Login Close menu Nursing & Advanced Practice; ...

  • 404

6. Working at Sutter Health

  • SUTTER HEALTH · For Sutter Employees Candidate Login. Sutter Health. Search and Apply. Search Careers. Keyword Search. Location. Radius. Radius, 5 miles, 15 ...

  • Browse available job openings at Sutter Health

7. 2024 Sutter health careers login

8. 585 Sutter Health jobs in Sacramento, California, United States (7 new)

  • Get notified about new Sutter Health jobs in Sacramento, California, United States. Sign in to create job alert ... Be an early applicant. 1 week ago.

  • Today's top 597 Sutter Health jobs in Sacramento. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Sutter Health jobs added daily.

9. Physician Job Opportunities at Sutter Health

  • Search for physician, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant career opportunities with Sutter medical foundations and affiliated medical groups.

  • Search for physician job opportunities at Sutter Health. We welcome your interest in joining Sutter Health at one of our many Northern California locations.

10. Privacy Policy - Sutter Health

  • Aug 1, 2024 · If we ever learn of a breach of your information, then we will notify you in accordance with applicable law. Protecting Your Username and ...

  • Sutter Health's web site privacy and disclosure statements.

11. [PDF] Sutter Health Social Media Policy, 12-745

  • Dec 19, 2013 · Are purchased by Sutter Health following IS security review and approval (such as internal SharePoint sites on MySutter intranet, portal and ...

12. Market Director, Graduate Medical Education, Sacramento & Central ...

  • Employer Log In · Post a Job · Health eCareers logo. Jobseeker Log In ... Market Director, Graduate Medical Education, Sacramento & Central Valley at Sutter ...

  • Sutter Health is hiring for Market Director, Graduate Medical Education, Sacramento & Central Valley at Sutter Health . Roseville, California · Apply on

13. 47 Sutter Health jobs in Yuba City, California, United States (3 new)

  • Get notified about new Sutter Health jobs in Yuba City, California, United States. Sign in to create job alert ... Care Center Lead. Sutter Health. Yuba City, CA.

  • Today's top 52 Sutter Health jobs in Yuba City. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Sutter Health jobs added daily.

Sutter Health Candidate Login (2025)


How often does Sutter Health give raises? ›

How often do raises occur at Sutter Health? Raises occur annually.

How do I verify my employment with Sutter Health? ›

For Employees and Applicants

Verification of employment is processed through uConfirm, an automated service that provides instant employment and income verification. You can access uConfirm online or (866) 312-8266.

How do I get a Sutter Health Access Code? ›

For more information: Visit your local Sutter Health Affiliate's website or, E-mail us at, or call us at 1-866-978-8837. You must be 18 or older to enroll. Your Online ID and password should not be shared with anyone. Your access code will be mailed to you.

How much PTO do you get at Sutter Health? ›

Paid Time Off: Up to 41 paid days off annually and access to extended sick leave, as well as short- and long-term disability leave. Retirement Benefits: We are proud to offer our employees several benefit plans that help our workforce plan for their retirement.

Does Sutter give bonuses? ›

Sutter Health Performance Bonus

We get $500 for perfomance bonus during christmas time. There are also other ways for additional bonsues such as TNT Award and Employee of the Month. All non-exempt employees get $500 and exempt staff get $1000 at year-end if the company is profitable.

Does Sutter offer a pension? ›

Sutter Health Pension Plan provides financial security.

Does Sutter Health have a dress code? ›

What is the dress code in the sutter health system office? Business casual - no jeans or visible tattoos (it's healthcare!)

How does HR verify employment? ›

Some hiring managers do it themselves, reaching out directly (typically via phone) to your current or previous employers to request official verification. Alternatively, employers may use professional background screening firms and/or an employment verification service such as The Work Number® from Equifax.

How do I know if my employment authorization is approved? ›

The easiest way to track your application status is on through the case status online tracker tool or through your myUSCIS account. You can also check your case status by calling USCIS or mailing an inquiry.

Who is Sutter owned by? ›

Sutter Health is a not-for-profit organization. We are not an investor-owned healthcare system. Therefore, any money left over after employees and bills have been paid is reinvested in healthcare, innovation and community benefit.

Is Sutter Health and Sutter Health Plus the same? ›

Sutter Health Plan, doing business as Sutter Health Plus, announced its latest milestone.

What is Sutter Health Employer ID? ›

Simply enter the organization's name (Sutter Health) or EIN (942788907) in the 'Search Term' field.

How often does Sutter give raises? ›

Learn more about how we got here. Click here when you are ready to vote and have your unique Username and Password from your rep or leader. 3% raise each year for years 1-3 of the contract; 4% increase in year 4 – that's $56 million more for Sutter workers over the next four years.

Does Sutter allow shadowing? ›

Yes, Sutter Health offers a job shadowing program for interested students. This program allows students to observe and learn about a particular career field within the health care system.

Does Sutter pay for schooling? ›

Yes, Sutter Health offers tuition reimbursement for employees who are taking courses related to their current job or position.

How frequent are pay raises? ›

Pay increases tend to vary based on inflation, location, sector, and job performance. Most employers give their employees an increase of around 3% per year. Consistent job switching may have an impact on the rate at which your salary increases.

How often do you get a pay rise? ›

Generally, you can expect to get (or ask for) an incremental pay rise every 12 months. If you want a rise sooner, you need a compelling case – i.e. your role or responsibilities have changed significantly. In this instance, you may be better off arguing for a promotion.

How often is standard to get a raise? ›

Every worker is different but most find that they should expect a raise every 1-2 years.

How often are cost of living raises given? ›

COLA is an annual cost-of-living increase that begins the second calendar year after retirement and helps your retirement benefit keep up with the rate of inflation. Eligible retirees, including survivors and beneficiaries who receive a monthly benefit, receive COLA on their May 1 retirement check.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 5867

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.